Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee took a bus ride to Lahore, Pakistan, in a gesture of goodwill. This was seen as a major peace initiative between the two nuclear-armed neighbours.

Vajpayee and Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif signed the Lahore Declaration, aiming to foster better relations, peace, and mutual trust. The declaration, among other things, focused on reducing the risk of accidental or unauthorised use of nuclear weapons and avoiding any ballistic missile tests.

5-9 MAY
The Indian Army sends patrols to verify the reports; one such patrol goes missing. Heavy shelling by Pakistan occurs, hitting Indian ammunition dumps in Kargil.

10 MAY
The Indian Army detects significant infiltration by Pakistani soldiers and militants in the Dras, Kaksar, and Mushkoh sectors.

Indian military mobilises the movement of formations and troops (especially 8 Division) from the Kashmir valley into Kargil.

Margaret Bourke-White
On 22 January 22 1943, Major Rudolph Emil Flack piloted the lead aircraft with Margaret Bourke-White as the first female photographer/writer to fly on a combat mission aboard his 414th Bombardment Squadron B-17F and bombed the El Aouina Airdrome in Tunis, Tunisia. Bourke-White was also the first female war correspondent.