Conflict Armament Research

Established in 2011, Conflict Armament Research generates unique evidence on weapon supplies into armed conflicts in order to inform and support effective weapon management and control (from

CAR investigation teams work on the ground in active armed conflicts. The teams document weapons at the point of use and track their sources back through the chains of supply. CAR teams investigate weapons in a variety of conflict-related situations—be they recovered by state security forces, surrendered at the cessation of hostilities, cached, or held by insurgent forces. CAR investigation teams work in active armed conflicts across the globe, including theatres of international concern, such as Iraq, Libya, Somalia, South Sudan and Syria.

Organization's name: Conflict Armament Research Ltd.
Headquarters Address:
Suite 5 21 Bloomsbury Square
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Phone: +44 2033556575
Organization type: Private sector