Akhnoor Dagger

Also known as Chicken's Neck, it is a narrow piece of Pakistani territory jutting into India, south of Akhnoor. It is basically a small island between Chenab River and her subsidiary Chandra Bhaga covering about 170 Sq Kms.

The base of the island rests on the bank of Wadi Tawi River and goes on narrowing towards the North, with the narrowest point or the neck near the Kachhi Mand Nalla. Then it opens up a little forming the shape of a head and then again narrows down like a beak.
The Dagger points straight towards the Akhnoor Bridge over the fast flowing Chenab, a Vital Point for the defence of the Jammu Sector. Any successful Pakistani offensive from this area would provide the shortcut route to the Akhnoor Bridge.
If the bridge were to be captured, the route to Jammu would be wide open and just about one hour drive. The entire Poonch–Rajouri sector would then be cut off and the flank of Chamb-Jaurian sector too would be totally exposed to the Pakistan. Hence, it is of great strategic importance.